DA HR Forum 2022: Entering the New Normal
Redesign, Redefine, Reinvent
We have seen a tremendous need for change in our way of life and in the way we conduct our business over the past three years. In our previous forum, we spoke about ‘The Role of HR in Uncertain Times’, covering Learning and Development, Performance Management and HR Transformation. We, at Darussalam Assets, strongly believe that it is now time for us to fully embrace what it means to enter the ‘new normal’. It is time for HR to Redesign, Redefine and Reinvent itself for 2022 and beyond.
Last year, we have only scratched the surface in what the future holds for HR in the workplace. At this year’s HR Forum, we put our focus on four (4) topics that would have seen, or is undergoing, a significant transition from traditional HR practices into strategic HRM – Employee Wellbeing, Benefits Beyond COVID-19, Ethical Practices in HR, and HR Analytics. Before we dive deeper, we must ask ourselves, ‘how?’.
How can we redefine what matters for workplace wellness? How can we reinvent the workforce and way of work? How can we redesign the work environment and foster a trusted culture? How can we reimagine the possibilities of insightful, evidence-based HR approaches? With these questions in mind, we look forward to a meaningful dialogue with our panelists.